UX Research Explore the delightful world of Brigadeiro

Jessica B.
6 min readFeb 6, 2024

Explore the delightful world of Brigadeiro through a comprehensive UX Research project aimed at elevating the Pinterest experience for this delectable niche. This project explores the user experience of crafting visually appealing pins tailored specifically for Brigadeiro enthusiasts.

— Objective:

  • The research aim was to establish a brand selling online brigadeiro courses targeting women seeking extra income to sell on social media platforms.
  • The objective was to create a brand specializing in online brigadeiro courses aimed at attracting women interested in generating additional income through social media sales.
  • The goal was to develop a brand focused on selling brigadeiro courses online, with the specific aim of appealing to women looking to supplement their income by selling on social media networks.

— My research process and toolbox:

My Process for Creating Pinterest Posts in the Brigadeiro Niche consists of five key phases:

  1. Qualitative Research
  2. Content Analysis
  3. User Persona
  4. Competitive Analysis — SWOT Analysis
  5. Usability Testing

Tools Used:

  • Pinterest (for research, planning, and publishing)
  • Canva (for graphic design)
  • Photography equipment (camera, lighting, props)
  • Keyword research tools (such as Pinterest search, Google Keyword Planner)
  • Analytics tools (Pinterest Analytics)
  • SEO tools (for keyword optimization)
  • Collaboration tools (for team communication and content planning)

To collaborate with stakeholders in creating Pinterest pins, I followed a structured approach:

Visual Appeal

Utilize high-quality images or videos to showcase delicious brigadeiros and capture audience attention. Ensure visuals are vibrant, mouthwatering, and professionally presented. Create visually appealing content to entice viewers and enhance engagement.

Promotional Offers

Integrate occasional promotional offers or discounts for enrolling in the online brigadeiro course. Utilize limited-time deals or special bundles to instill a sense of urgency. Incentivize potential students to enroll through these promotional incentives.

Interactive Elements

Incorporate interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and Q&A sessions to engage the audience. Provide opportunities for followers to ask questions and share their brigadeiro-making experiences. Foster a sense of participation and dialogue with the brand through these interactive features.

Educational Content

Offer educational content to add value alongside promotions. Provide tips to enhance brigadeiro-making skills. Share insights on various flavor combinations. Include fun facts about brigadeiro history to enrich audience knowledge.

Engaging Descriptions

Craft engaging and descriptive captions or text to accompany posts. Highlight unique flavors, textures, and techniques of brigadeiro recipes. Use enticing language to evoke sensory experiences and convey indulgence.

Recipe Teasers

Provide sneak peeks or teaser content from the course. Share short videos demonstrating step-by-step recipes. Offer tantalizing close-ups of finished products to generate curiosity and anticipation among the audience.

During the projects I presented, I made several key decisions based on careful consideration and analysis of various factors. Here are some of the decisions I made and the reasons behind them:

Content Selection:

I chose specific content themes and topics for the Pinterest pins based on research findings and audience preferences. By selecting relevant and trending content related to brigadeiros, I aimed to capture the interest of our target audience and maximize engagement.

Visual Design:

I opted for visually appealing designs and layouts for the Pinterest pins to attract attention and encourage clicks. This decision was driven by the need to stand out in the crowded Pinterest feed and convey the deliciousness of brigadeiros effectively through imagery.

Keyword Optimization:

I strategically incorporated relevant keywords and hashtags into the pin titles, descriptions, and alt text to improve discoverability and search visibility. This decision aimed to enhance the pins’ reach and attract organic traffic from Pinterest users searching for brigadeiro-related content.

Call-to-Action (CTA):

I included clear and compelling CTAs in the pin descriptions to prompt users to take action, such as visiting our website, trying out a recipe, or saving the pin for later. This decision was intended to drive traffic to our website and encourage user engagement with our brand.

Pin Scheduling:

I determined the optimal timing and frequency for pin uploads based on Pinterest Analytics data and insights into peak engagement times. This decision aimed to maximize the visibility and reach of our pins by posting them when our target audience was most active on the platform.

Performance Analysis:

I regularly monitored the performance of the Pinterest pins using analytics tools to track metrics such as impressions, clicks, saves, and engagement rates. This decision allowed me to assess the effectiveness of our pin strategies and make data-driven adjustments as needed to optimize performance.

Overall, the decisions I made during the projects I presented were guided by the overarching goal of effectively promoting brigadeiros on Pinterest, reaching our target audience, and driving meaningful engagement with our content.

  • Creation of a profile brand to sell online brigadeiro courses on Pinterest
  • 6–8 months delay in audience engagement
  • Building an audience on Pinterest is a gradual process
  • Consistent effort and time investment required
  • Gradual growth and visibility lead to audience interest and engagement
  • Demonstrates the importance of patience and persistence in online presence-building
  • Conduct more extensive market research before starting the project to better understand audience preferences and behavior on Pinterest.
  • Develop a more robust content strategy with a diverse range of pins, including tutorials, recipe variations, and lifestyle content to appeal to a broader audience.
  • Invest in Pinterest advertising to accelerate audience growth and increase visibility for the profile and pins.
  • Engage with Pinterest group boards and communities earlier in the project to leverage existing audiences and expand reach.
  • Implement a more aggressive promotion strategy on other social media platforms to drive traffic to the Pinterest profile and increase brand awareness.
  • Experiment with different pin formats, designs, and messaging to identify what resonates best with the target audience.
  • Monitor and analyze Pinterest Analytics more closely from the outset to track performance metrics and make data-driven optimizations.
  • Continuously iterate and refine the content and promotion strategies based on audience feedback and performance insights.

Closing Statement:

Embark on this visual journey to discover the fusion of Brigadeiro passion and UX design, creating a Pinterest experience that captivates and delights the audience.



Jessica B.

B2B Content Writer, Web Content Writer, SEO Blog Writer, Sharing Personal Experiences into Compelling Stories. Follow me for real stories.